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Empowered Life Publishing needs author partners to co-publish non-fiction books.  If you have an unpublished manuscript, a collection of notes, or just a great idea for a  book, we want to connect with you right now!

Co-publishing is not standard publishing, it's not self-publishing,  and it's definitley not "vanity" publishing whereyou pay to have a book printed, then have to do all the marketing and promotion yourself!

Co-publishing with ELP is a win-win partnership that relies on task sharing to prepare the manuscript, publish the book, and finally market and promote it. Most book publishing is a collabortive  effort with each team member doing what they do best. The ELP difference is the author is more involved in the process from start to finish, and thus earns a bigger share of the revenues.

Standard royalty rates in the old-style publishing business usually runs around 10% for the author, depending on the rights being purchased. With ELP the author gets a minimum of 50% of revenues, and can earn as much as 100%!

The first step is simple. All you have to do is email us at dlamb46@tampabay.rr.com. We'll take it from there. HOWEVER, in order to protect yourself, DO NOT send or attach any manuscripts...not yet anyway. That comes later, after we become partners and your rights are protected.

That's good, and yes you will! When you email us we will send, by attchement, an FAQ that will answer most of your questions. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention...we will NEVER ask you for a dime! Your sole equity in our joint venture, should we choose to go forward, will strictly be what you write and the effort you put into marketing and promotion.